Rating: 5 out of 5.

Ranking:  Effin’ SICK bruh.  
View Date:  2022.04.28  
Extra Credit: 
 Mid:  Photos of Pompo, Gene and their crew working on their next films, alongside outtakes of the film in production.
 End:  None

Movie Information

 Title:  Pompo: The Cinéphile  
 Rating: [ PG13 ]
 Genre:  Animation | Comedy | Drama  
 Directed by:  Takayuki Hirao  
 Written by:  Takayuki Hirao  
 Starring:  Brianna Gentilella, Christopher Trindade, Jackie Lastra, Anne Yatco, Kenneth Cavett, Jonah Platt  
 Release Date:  2022/04/27  
 Running Time:  90  minutes
